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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Right Here Waiting、
By Richard Marx
Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【周四清晨之】Right Here Waiting For You ,等你来看我。:)

    • 等你来骑车 #10223876@0
      • 哇,小北G早。哇。
    • 你会来看我吗? 
      • 我会的。Love you. :)

      • 【歌词】
        Right Here Waiting、
        By Richard Marx
        Oceans apart day after day
        And I slowly go insane
        I hear your voice on the line
        But it doesn't stop the pain
        If I see you next to never
        How can we say forever
        Wherever you go
        Whatever you do
        I will be right here waiting for you
        Whatever it takes
        Or how my heart breaks
        I will be right here waiting for you
        I took for granted, all the times
        That I thought would last somehow
        I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
        But I can't get near you now
        Oh, can't you see it baby
        You've got me going crazy
        Wherever you go
        Whatever you do
        I will be right here waiting for you
        Whatever it takes
        Or how my heart breaks
        I will be right here waiting for you
        I wonder…
      • 超级喜欢这歌
        • 嗯,特别是刚开始的钢琴声流出来的时候,好像感情从心深处流露出来,听到的人都按捺不住要敞开心扉迎接了一样。这歌只有他,唯一有他,仅仅有他可以唱,任何别的人都唱不出他的情感。他是唯一的,仅仅有的。
          • 第一次听是磁带,就像段誉初识王语嫣,如招雷击。
            • 后半句很吓人,被雷击?想得出来。男生就是这样,描绘情感好像在打雷一样。我第一次听与现在此时此刻听的感觉,感情是完全一样的,没有不同的,永远不变的。那就是: 被呼唤带走了,飘了,不回来了。
    • so cuteeeeeeee
      • 可爱,但没有我们小古巴可爱。我一根筋。:)
        • 专一专一~~~
          • 也没打动小古巴,他还是爱上了SCARLET。:)
            • 笑倒了,忍不住了。LOOOOOOOOOOOL
              • 老农没传话~~lol
                • 嗯,肯定,因为没有他翻译,小古巴听不懂我们的语言。:)
                  • 你说, 牛老师现在在哪个LONDON 呢?~~
                    • 她说了31号~
                      • 也不知道咋滴, 我们这么关心她的旅游~~~
                        • 都是呼啦啦的闹的, 哈哈. 当然, 我们看到牛投奔到她心中的圣地, 也为她高兴. 巴黎, 在牛的字典里, 就是, 延安.
                          • 嗯,我特别特别特别关心她去巴黎的事儿。其实我也很想她去我爱的翡冷翠,然后回来用她的视野与角度阐释她眼中的翡冷翠。ROLIA有时尚意识的同学其实不多,所以,她带回来的巴黎应该是非常与众不同的,我想。所以,我很关注呢。
                      • 比我还细腻。PEI。LOOOOOOOOOOOL我警告她了,如果她八月一号走。有她好看+ 后果自负。
                    • 她第一站是巴黎。她飞到巴黎,然后从伦敦撤离。
      • 背影有点, 呃, 那啥,