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我整理的“面试中有关计算机的问题”--比较全的哦。 Good luck!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛面试中有关计算机的问题




1. what is the difference between system database and application database?
system database用来存放数据库系统数据,如table的结构等。
application database用来存放用户应用程序数据,比如通讯录。

2. what is the difference between a programmer and a computer analyst?
computer analyst主要任务是根据feature list在项目设计阶段进行规划,设计SPEC/SDD等。computer analyst还有部分很重要的职责是协助用户完成feather list。

3. 程序员(programmer)与软件工程师(software engineer)有什么区别?
软件工程师是一种总称,一般进行coding,也设计SPEC/SDD等,此时充当computer analyst部分职责。

4. 字和字节的区别
byte = 8 bits

5. FOXPRO和C语言的区别

6. What’s the main difference between C and BASIC?
Basic is a kind of executive language. The programs compile and run at the same time.
C programs compile to the machine code, and then execute.

7. What is the different of C and C++?
C: Process-Oriented
C++: Object-Oriented

8. system programming与app. programming的区别
system programming is related to the system equipment.
Application programming is just

9. 你是一个程序员,你能给我解释一下logical和grammatical的区别?
10. 逻辑错误与语法错误
logical means more general, physical. grammatical means more specific and detail. The differents between them, I think, are that the word of "logical" is related to system or algorithm design and the word "grammatical" is related to codeing.


8. 请告诉我“传值调用”和“引用调用”的区别?

9. What’s the difference between assembly language and other languages? Please write a program to change uppercase to lowercase in assembly language.
(After I wrote the program, she looked through it and asked my signature.)
assembly language是汇编语言,是低层的语言。
other languages是中层和高层的语言,它们有相关的应用领域。

11. 结构化与非结构化程序设计比较

1. 有多少种方式来组织一个数据库?

2. You use what kind of programming tools in your work?

3. How to implement a program?

4. Design a program 的流程?

Analyze the E-R(entry-relation) of objects, then design the table for every entry(object) and the relation table for every relation, and finally connect these tables.

Because you have to understand the idea of other programmers, it takes time. Meanwhile, the coding styles are various. To make it easier, first of all, every programmer should code in a good, readable style using necessary spaces, comments and so on. Besides that, a detailed document should be provided with the codes and be updated whenever the codes are changed. Secondly, we should impove our coding skill. From my point of view, I think there are some methods that helps, for example, black box test and white box test. After coding, you should test that your codes are all right and won't affect the whole structure of system.

7. Please illustrate the formal steps of developing a user needed software system.

8. 你开发过什么程序?它有什么作用?你所使用的平台及开发工具?

9. 数据库如何组建?

10. VB中的Argument指的是什么?

11.(拿出一张纸)用10分钟时间完成题目,VC++中什么是reference varialbe?(其实答案就一句话,但我不会答)
reference varialbe引用变量,是变量的别名。
int a = 1;
int b = a;

12. 一般如何编译一段程序,怎样令编译过程更快?

13. (口述)为客户做(软件)项目的步骤(我的回答中关键字是"requirement,flow chat,coding,debug,maintain"等)

14. 能使用哪些编程语言,哪些数据库?
(16.How much programming language do you know? )
A: programming language: HTML, SQL, Pascal, VB, VBScript, JavaScript, VC++
Database: Oracle, SQL Server, Access, FoxPro

15.What can you do with a computer?

17.How much operating system do you know?

18.How many years have you used computer? What have you done?

19.How to write a homepage?
A: first, you must edit the documents
Then, use ftp tools put the files on to the web server.

1.Can you give me the definition of Windows?
A: a kind of operate system which in the interface of Windows.

2.Can you give me a definition of DOS?
A: a kind of operate system which can only on the personal computer, and the interface is in command line.

3. 什么是infinite loop?
(26. 什么叫“无穷循环”(infinite loop)?什么叫“递归”(recursion)? )
infinite loop: A loop whose execution can be terminated only by intervention from outside the computer program in which the loop is included.
Recursion: Any procedure(A) which, while being executed, either calls itself or calls another procedure (B),which in turn calls procedure(A).

4. What’s C programming language?

5. What’s word processing?

6. 什么是CPU?Computer Processing Unit, Central Processing Unit

7. 什么是ROM?Read Only Memory

8. RAM是什么?Random Access Memory

9. 什么是SQL?Structured Query Language

10. What generation of language is SQL?

11. 什么是DDL?Data Definition Language

12. 什么是HTML?HyperText Markup Language

13. 什么是JAVA?

14. What’s the purpose of COBOL?

15. 在VB中*1 = “1”是什么意思

Project means a group of programs. It can be an application system or a part of the system.

17. 什么是debug?
( (口述)如何debug(我的回答中关键字是"breakpoint") )
Debugging is the process of locating and fixing errors in your programs.
To detect,to trace,and to eliminate mistakes in computer programs or in other software.

18. What’s a software package?

19. What’s an operating system?
A: Operating system is a kind of software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to employ it easily.

20. What’s a computer?
A functional unit that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or logic operations, without intervention by ahuman operator during a run.

21. What’s a user interface? Can you give me an example?

22. What’s a web site?

23. What’s a homepage?

24. What’s www?
World Wide Web

25. 描述firewall

27. 什么叫“MODULE”?为什么要使用“MODULE”?
module is A part of a program that usually performs a particular function or related functions.

28. 什么叫INTERNET?你是如何使用INTERNET的?
36.What’s the Internet?

29. 请问什么叫“指针”?请写一个简单的程序,它运用了“指针”。

30. VC++中local varialbe(局部变量)是什么意思,有什么用?
local varialbe(局部变量)是指生命周期的,并且是建立在栈(stack)上的。

31.Can you explain the concept of a programming language to me?

33.Can you give me a definition of a network?

34.Can you explain the concept of client/server architeture?

35.Please illustrate the formal steps of developing a user needed software system.

37.What’s C programming language?

38.What’s objet-oriented method?

39. (1)什么叫“数据库”?它有几种类型?各有何特点?
(2)According to your resume, you mainly programmed in database. Well, what’s database?
(What’s a database system? )


41. What types does database include and their features? And what’s the difference among them?

42. (笔试)请描述"algorithm"(算法).(这个我没答好.55555).

43. 请用SQL写一个子查询的例子。

44. Tell me the courses about programming you took in university and what’s your favorite.
(I mentioned C++, Fortran, Pascal, Data structure, Database, Assembly language etc, and told her C++ language was my favorite.)

Programming Language PASCAL
Computer Language FORTRAN
Principles and Application of Microcomputer
Data Structure
Data Base
Operating System
Computer Communication Network

45.What’s recurse? Please write a program about it in C or C++ language, and out put to a file.
(我当时写的是杨辉三角形(用C++). When I was writing this program, she looked through my material, I noticed she paid more attention to my mcdba, mcse, ccna certificate, although now I think they are all shit, the officer maybe thought they are useful. After I finished it, she asked me to sign and explain every statement to her. As I explained, she asked me some questions, such as what’s head file, what’s stream etc.)

46.What’s a protocol?
A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties.
47.Can you explain TCP/IP?

48.Can you explain FTP?

49.What’s an email?

50.What’s a process?

51.What’s a thread?

52.What’s a UNIX system?

53.What’s HTTP?

1. 请写一段程序,从1加到500,并将输出显示在屏幕中央。

2. 要求编写程序,写一个1 到100 的循环,随便用什么语言(我个人认为最好

3. She pointed out a graphic report of my work sample material and asked me to explain how I programmed it.

4.Would you please to write a simple program in c/pascal/basic?

51. 1、根据你的成绩表,谈谈单片机这门课的内容!
3、公司情况,部门、人数、历史,此部门与彼部门联系等等,你如何在此部门工作?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我整理的“面试中有关计算机的问题”--比较全的哦。 Good luck!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛面试中有关计算机的问题




    1. what is the difference between system database and application database?
    system database用来存放数据库系统数据,如table的结构等。
    application database用来存放用户应用程序数据,比如通讯录。

    2. what is the difference between a programmer and a computer analyst?
    computer analyst主要任务是根据feature list在项目设计阶段进行规划,设计SPEC/SDD等。computer analyst还有部分很重要的职责是协助用户完成feather list。

    3. 程序员(programmer)与软件工程师(software engineer)有什么区别?
    软件工程师是一种总称,一般进行coding,也设计SPEC/SDD等,此时充当computer analyst部分职责。

    4. 字和字节的区别
    byte = 8 bits

    5. FOXPRO和C语言的区别

    6. What’s the main difference between C and BASIC?
    Basic is a kind of executive language. The programs compile and run at the same time.
    C programs compile to the machine code, and then execute.

    7. What is the different of C and C++?
    C: Process-Oriented
    C++: Object-Oriented

    8. system programming与app. programming的区别
    system programming is related to the system equipment.
    Application programming is just

    9. 你是一个程序员,你能给我解释一下logical和grammatical的区别?
    10. 逻辑错误与语法错误
    logical means more general, physical. grammatical means more specific and detail. The differents between them, I think, are that the word of "logical" is related to system or algorithm design and the word "grammatical" is related to codeing.


    8. 请告诉我“传值调用”和“引用调用”的区别?

    9. What’s the difference between assembly language and other languages? Please write a program to change uppercase to lowercase in assembly language.
    (After I wrote the program, she looked through it and asked my signature.)
    assembly language是汇编语言,是低层的语言。
    other languages是中层和高层的语言,它们有相关的应用领域。

    11. 结构化与非结构化程序设计比较

    1. 有多少种方式来组织一个数据库?

    2. You use what kind of programming tools in your work?

    3. How to implement a program?

    4. Design a program 的流程?

    Analyze the E-R(entry-relation) of objects, then design the table for every entry(object) and the relation table for every relation, and finally connect these tables.

    Because you have to understand the idea of other programmers, it takes time. Meanwhile, the coding styles are various. To make it easier, first of all, every programmer should code in a good, readable style using necessary spaces, comments and so on. Besides that, a detailed document should be provided with the codes and be updated whenever the codes are changed. Secondly, we should impove our coding skill. From my point of view, I think there are some methods that helps, for example, black box test and white box test. After coding, you should test that your codes are all right and won't affect the whole structure of system.

    7. Please illustrate the formal steps of developing a user needed software system.

    8. 你开发过什么程序?它有什么作用?你所使用的平台及开发工具?

    9. 数据库如何组建?

    10. VB中的Argument指的是什么?

    11.(拿出一张纸)用10分钟时间完成题目,VC++中什么是reference varialbe?(其实答案就一句话,但我不会答)
    reference varialbe引用变量,是变量的别名。
    int a = 1;
    int b = a;

    12. 一般如何编译一段程序,怎样令编译过程更快?

    13. (口述)为客户做(软件)项目的步骤(我的回答中关键字是"requirement,flow chat,coding,debug,maintain"等)

    14. 能使用哪些编程语言,哪些数据库?
    (16.How much programming language do you know? )
    A: programming language: HTML, SQL, Pascal, VB, VBScript, JavaScript, VC++
    Database: Oracle, SQL Server, Access, FoxPro

    15.What can you do with a computer?

    17.How much operating system do you know?

    18.How many years have you used computer? What have you done?

    19.How to write a homepage?
    A: first, you must edit the documents
    Then, use ftp tools put the files on to the web server.

    1.Can you give me the definition of Windows?
    A: a kind of operate system which in the interface of Windows.

    2.Can you give me a definition of DOS?
    A: a kind of operate system which can only on the personal computer, and the interface is in command line.

    3. 什么是infinite loop?
    (26. 什么叫“无穷循环”(infinite loop)?什么叫“递归”(recursion)? )
    infinite loop: A loop whose execution can be terminated only by intervention from outside the computer program in which the loop is included.
    Recursion: Any procedure(A) which, while being executed, either calls itself or calls another procedure (B),which in turn calls procedure(A).

    4. What’s C programming language?

    5. What’s word processing?

    6. 什么是CPU?Computer Processing Unit, Central Processing Unit

    7. 什么是ROM?Read Only Memory

    8. RAM是什么?Random Access Memory

    9. 什么是SQL?Structured Query Language

    10. What generation of language is SQL?

    11. 什么是DDL?Data Definition Language

    12. 什么是HTML?HyperText Markup Language

    13. 什么是JAVA?

    14. What’s the purpose of COBOL?

    15. 在VB中*1 = “1”是什么意思

    Project means a group of programs. It can be an application system or a part of the system.

    17. 什么是debug?
    ( (口述)如何debug(我的回答中关键字是"breakpoint") )
    Debugging is the process of locating and fixing errors in your programs.
    To detect,to trace,and to eliminate mistakes in computer programs or in other software.

    18. What’s a software package?

    19. What’s an operating system?
    A: Operating system is a kind of software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to employ it easily.

    20. What’s a computer?
    A functional unit that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or logic operations, without intervention by ahuman operator during a run.

    21. What’s a user interface? Can you give me an example?

    22. What’s a web site?

    23. What’s a homepage?

    24. What’s www?
    World Wide Web

    25. 描述firewall

    27. 什么叫“MODULE”?为什么要使用“MODULE”?
    module is A part of a program that usually performs a particular function or related functions.

    28. 什么叫INTERNET?你是如何使用INTERNET的?
    36.What’s the Internet?

    29. 请问什么叫“指针”?请写一个简单的程序,它运用了“指针”。

    30. VC++中local varialbe(局部变量)是什么意思,有什么用?
    local varialbe(局部变量)是指生命周期的,并且是建立在栈(stack)上的。

    31.Can you explain the concept of a programming language to me?

    33.Can you give me a definition of a network?

    34.Can you explain the concept of client/server architeture?

    35.Please illustrate the formal steps of developing a user needed software system.

    37.What’s C programming language?

    38.What’s objet-oriented method?

    39. (1)什么叫“数据库”?它有几种类型?各有何特点?
    (2)According to your resume, you mainly programmed in database. Well, what’s database?
    (What’s a database system? )


    41. What types does database include and their features? And what’s the difference among them?

    42. (笔试)请描述"algorithm"(算法).(这个我没答好.55555).

    43. 请用SQL写一个子查询的例子。

    44. Tell me the courses about programming you took in university and what’s your favorite.
    (I mentioned C++, Fortran, Pascal, Data structure, Database, Assembly language etc, and told her C++ language was my favorite.)

    Programming Language PASCAL
    Computer Language FORTRAN
    Principles and Application of Microcomputer
    Data Structure
    Data Base
    Operating System
    Computer Communication Network

    45.What’s recurse? Please write a program about it in C or C++ language, and out put to a file.
    (我当时写的是杨辉三角形(用C++). When I was writing this program, she looked through my material, I noticed she paid more attention to my mcdba, mcse, ccna certificate, although now I think they are all shit, the officer maybe thought they are useful. After I finished it, she asked me to sign and explain every statement to her. As I explained, she asked me some questions, such as what’s head file, what’s stream etc.)

    46.What’s a protocol?
    A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties.
    47.Can you explain TCP/IP?

    48.Can you explain FTP?

    49.What’s an email?

    50.What’s a process?

    51.What’s a thread?

    52.What’s a UNIX system?

    53.What’s HTTP?

    1. 请写一段程序,从1加到500,并将输出显示在屏幕中央。

    2. 要求编写程序,写一个1 到100 的循环,随便用什么语言(我个人认为最好

    3. She pointed out a graphic report of my work sample material and asked me to explain how I programmed it.

    4.Would you please to write a simple program in c/pascal/basic?

    51. 1、根据你的成绩表,谈谈单片机这门课的内容!
    3、公司情况,部门、人数、历史,此部门与彼部门联系等等,你如何在此部门工作?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 十二万分的感谢!!
    • 真是个好人!
    • 请教你整理的问题是建立在香港还是北京的面试经历?
      • 根据:网上找到的面食经历中关于计算机的问题,没分北京还是香港
    • 好贴,如此详细,而且还带上了好多答案,非常感激antmm!
      • 答案不一定很准确的,个人看法,仅供参考,呵呵
    • 多谢!这是我一天中最大的收获!
      • It's my pleasure, my friend:)
    • 太好了,谢谢antmm
    • 这不像是面试,像是考试
      • 有一点是肯定的,面食不可能这些问题都问!程序员考试比这难多了,你不觉得吗??
    • 这都什么呀?移民面试还是找工面试?前面的还可以,怎么到后面这么搞笑?:)
      • 整理的不好啦,将就着看吧, 拜托别笑我呀:P
        • 很好啦!有帮助的!谢谢!
    • 我想这对要面试的每一个人都会是个极大的帮助!
    • 辛苦了