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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The program is run by the Certified General Accountants Association, the professional association representing CGAs and students in Canada, Bermuda, the Caribbean, Hong Kong and China. CGA-Canada has more than 85 years’ experience in setting professional and educational accounting standards. The program meets or exceeds the criteria set for professional accounting education by the International Federation of Accountants.

While the national CGA Association takes overall responsibility for the program, it also enlists the expertise of university faculty and the professional accounting community across Canada. Joint academic and professional advisory groups and an extensive network of content experts and examiners help to design, evaluate and run the program.
During your studies, you will complete at least two years of related work experience. As you progress through the courses, you should be employed in positions of increasing responsibility, which will provide you with opportunities to apply the skills and information you are acquiring. You and your employer will participate regularly in the assessment of your practical experience.
You are expected to spend 15 to 20 hours a week on your studies. As part of that commitment, many students, during their years of study, log more than 400 hours of computer time, gaining expertise in computer technology and how it is applied to accounting and management problems.
At the foundation level, you will study financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, finance, taxation and management information systems. You also take supporting courses in communications, law and economics. Ethical issues are an integral part of the program as are computer tutorials in the latest information technology software.

At the professional level, you’ll take advanced courses in taxation, financial accounting, finance and auditing.
One of the great aspects of the CGA designation is that you take courses while you are working. The practical experience you gain is part of the requirement of the designation, but it also keeps you fiscally afloat and lets you apply what you’re learning to your job. Courses are designed for distance learning, so you don’t need to move.
The length of your studies depends on your academic background. Students with a university, college or technical institute background in accounting and business receive advance standing in the program of professional studies and can complete the professional level in two years. Students without advance standing are required to complete the foundation courses, the bachelor’s degree and professional level courses over six or seven years.
CGAs find careers in all sectors of the economy, and hold key accounting and financial management positions in business, government and in public practice. CGAs are corporate controllers or chief executive officers, tax auditors and deputy ministers. CGA public practice firms offer financial services to businesses and individuals.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 关于CGA,经济类移民的福音。。。。。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The program is run by the Certified General Accountants Association, the professional association representing CGAs and students in Canada, Bermuda, the Caribbean, Hong Kong and China. CGA-Canada has more than 85 years’ experience in setting professional and educational accounting standards. The program meets or exceeds the criteria set for professional accounting education by the International Federation of Accountants.

    While the national CGA Association takes overall responsibility for the program, it also enlists the expertise of university faculty and the professional accounting community across Canada. Joint academic and professional advisory groups and an extensive network of content experts and examiners help to design, evaluate and run the program.
    During your studies, you will complete at least two years of related work experience. As you progress through the courses, you should be employed in positions of increasing responsibility, which will provide you with opportunities to apply the skills and information you are acquiring. You and your employer will participate regularly in the assessment of your practical experience.
    You are expected to spend 15 to 20 hours a week on your studies. As part of that commitment, many students, during their years of study, log more than 400 hours of computer time, gaining expertise in computer technology and how it is applied to accounting and management problems.
    At the foundation level, you will study financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, finance, taxation and management information systems. You also take supporting courses in communications, law and economics. Ethical issues are an integral part of the program as are computer tutorials in the latest information technology software.

    At the professional level, you’ll take advanced courses in taxation, financial accounting, finance and auditing.
    One of the great aspects of the CGA designation is that you take courses while you are working. The practical experience you gain is part of the requirement of the designation, but it also keeps you fiscally afloat and lets you apply what you’re learning to your job. Courses are designed for distance learning, so you don’t need to move.
    The length of your studies depends on your academic background. Students with a university, college or technical institute background in accounting and business receive advance standing in the program of professional studies and can complete the professional level in two years. Students without advance standing are required to complete the foundation courses, the bachelor’s degree and professional level courses over six or seven years.
    CGAs find careers in all sectors of the economy, and hold key accounting and financial management positions in business, government and in public practice. CGAs are corporate controllers or chief executive officers, tax auditors and deputy ministers. CGA public practice firms offer financial services to businesses and individuals.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 虎妞, 你认为现在读ACCA好还是CGA?我一直在犹豫, 这两种我有以下对比:...不知对否
      2.时间: ACCA共14门,我可以免考5门,至少1年半.CGA18门,评估后,我可能考10-11门,2-3年
      我考虑读ACCA, 但又怕在加拿大不如CGA范围广.
      • 如果移民,考CGA会更加好一些,理由如下:

        • 谢谢虎妞,但是我有顾虑:如果移民不成,CGA适用范围小些,其他国家不承认怎么办?
          • 不必担心
    • 我已经到了加拿大,原来在国内学医,现在想转行,但不知如何开始!请帮帮忙!
      1 我没有学过会计及经济类的知识,是不是需要从头做起,在college读个accounting !有没有其它的方法,因为我想读个master!
      2 考CGA要求有两年相关的工作经验,我没有相应的文凭,如何找的到工作,如何会有相应的工作经验!
      3 CGA和CA还需要哪些过程,有什么快捷的方式能够达到么!

      • 偶有兴趣!请多联系.祝你早日成功!
      • 我是学医的,我认为一切看你怎麽想,如果你的英文地道,学什麽都是无所谓的
        • I doubt it. If you don't know what you'd like to be, you can waste huge amount of time and money.
          • 这麽多学医的,我们可否开个会交流一下. I think I am wasting my time in Canda.
      • 你和我一样,痛苦! 有好办法时告诉我一声
    • 虎妞,我对CGA非常感兴趣,不知要学哪些课程?在国内哪里可得到相关消息?如何报名?
      • 到这看看:http://cga-china.org
      • 010-64916571 Tel of CGA Beijing office
    • 请问虎妞大姐:若是理工类本科毕业,申请有哪些要求?有些科目是否可免修呢?有没有等价科目评估的机构?
      • 去这里看看http://www4.netease.com/~emluoyi/docs_c/index_c.html
        • bingle, appreciate very much! but i can't find out the relative thing. i see it from the web site given by xiaoxia who answerd at upstair. thanks for all of you!
          • 中国注册会计师,能免几门课程??
            • CPA需要参加四门培训,然后学习最后四门并参加考试
    • 请问虎妞,如果考虑移民到加拿大,以后可能再去美国发展的话,靠哪类证书比较合适?
    • Hi,虎妞,祥子大哥呢?我好想他。