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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛面试中虽然移民官可能会叫您写一篇文章,看一篇英文短文,测试特别技能(如电脑编程员的编程,秘书的打字),但主要的还是提问。移民面试成功的关键是问题的回答。怎样才能把问题答好?答好问题的关键在于预先准备问题解答。一个具体的问题应该从那几个方面回答?怎样举例说明?开头讲什么?结尾讲什么?哪些东西要讲?哪些东西要回避?


Why do you want to go to Canada?
What do you know about Canada?
How do you think Canadian economy?
You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world. How
do you
think of it?
What particular things do you like in Canada?
Why do you want to leave China?
How do you think the experience you have in China?
Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China?
Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada?
What do you know about Vancouver, the place you’re going to live?
Tell me anything you know about Vancouver?
Why would you like to settle in Vancouver?
Tell me any other cities you know in Canada.
Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently?
What’s your impression on Vancouver (Canada)?
What do you think about Canadian political system?>>>主目录
Have you been to Canada (any other countries besides Thailand)?
What is the biggest city in Canada?
Who is the premier of Canada?
Who don't you go to USA?
How many people are there in your family?
Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind?
Did your parent agree with you on immigration?
Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canada?
Why don’t you bring your child with you to Canada?
What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?.
What university did you graduate?
Is your University famous?
Tell me something about your university?
What’s your major?
Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up
fast-growing world?
What have you learnt in your university?
Have the course you studied in the university helped you?
Did you get any award in the university?
How long have you studied English?
Can you speak any other language?
Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada?
Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment?
How often do you use English?
Can you operate the computer?
What do you know about internet?
Have you received any professional training?
Have you received any on-site job training?
You studied Physics (or other field), why do you apply as a computer programmer?
Do you have any professional license/certificate?
How did the training help you in your present career?
In what company are you working at present?
Can you tell me something about your company?
How many employees are there in your companies?
Tell me the detail of your colleagues’ job titles?
How long have you been working in the company?
How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?
How long have you been in the position?
Who do you report your work to?
What is the position in your company?
How many staffs do you supervise?
What’s the main business of your company? Name of general manager?>
What have you done in your work?
What are your responsibilities?
What are your achievements?
Tell me one of your biggest achievements?
Why did you work in the same company for so long?
Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company?
What’s your routine work?
Do you have a reference letter from the present employer?
After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will
take you
before you can successfully get a job offer?
Why do you think you can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in
Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at your age?
If I approve your application, do you think you will have any problems to adapt the new living
style in
Canada? If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment?
What plans have you made to live in Canada?
How can you survive in Canada?
What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you?
What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada?
What’s your Career OBJECTIVE?
You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come back from Canada, how do you think about it?
Can you tell me something about your career?
Why are you certain that you can be qualified as a successful immigrant?
Do you have any idea about the job market in your occupation in Canada?
Have you done any research about job opportunities in Canada?
Do you know anything about the present employment situation in Canada?
Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you?
What are your relatives (friends) doing in Canada?
What are you going to do if you have no money and nobody is willing to help you?
Do you have enough money to support yourself and your family if you can’t find a job
How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary
of your







Officer: Did you ever try to get a visa from any other country?
Applicant: Yes, I did.
Officer: Which country?
Applicant: USA.
Officer: Tell me the result.
Applicant: I didn’t get the visa.
Officer: Why?
Applicant: They said I had the immigration tendency.
Officer: So you like to go to USA.
Applicant: Yes.
Officer: Why do you like to go to USA
Applicant: Because USA is advanced.
Officer: For USA and Canada, which one is more advanced?
Applicant: USA, I think.(只能答USA)
Officer: So, you will go to USA?
Applicant: Yes, I think so.(如果您说NO,一是要说明原因;而是与上面的回答自相矛盾)



Officer: Did you ever try to get a visa from any other country?
Applicant: Yes, I did.
Officer: Which country?
Applicant: USA.
Officer: Tell me the result.
Applicant: I didn’t get the visa.
Officer: Why?
Applicant: They said I had the immigration tendency.
Officer: So you like to go to USA.
Applicant: I did, because I didn’t know much about Canada at that time, but now, I ONLY
want to go
to Canada.
Officer: (Why don’t you like USA any more?)
Applicant: (USA is like the world police. I like Canada better)


Officer: Did you ever try to get a visa from any other country? Applicant: Yes, I did. Officer:
Tell me the



Officer: Tell me why do you want to leave China.
Applicant: Because I didn’t like my boss.
Officer: What’s wrong with your boss.
Applicant: He did bad (things).
Officer: Tell me in detail.
Applicant: (hesitating)He’s bad.
Officer: How bad?
Applicant: He ---(hesitating),I forgot the English word. He--.
Officer: O.K. you don’t like the system of your company.
Applicant: Yes, too much ---bad thing.
Officer: You mean something like corruption?
Applicant: Yes, yes.
Officer: I read from the newspaper that corruption is a widespread problem in China. How do
you think
of it?
Applicant: Yes, but ---(hesitating for long time)ah, ah. I don’t know how to say it.
Officer: OK, you have a major problem in English. If you can’t provide other evidence, your
application will be rejected.










Officer: You’re 45 years old. Are you going to Canada to take the advantage of the good
system for senior citizens?


Applicant: I don’t think 45 is old.
Applicant: I don’t feel old.
Applicant: I’m still young. I know you have to be 65 to get the full benefit of a senior citizen.
Applicant: I’m very independent.
Applicant: I won’t need the help from others.
Applicant: I won’t take the advantage.


Applicant: 45 is old, bit I think I can still find a job.
Applicant: 45 is not old, I think I can find a job.
Applicant: I will work hard to find a job. I won’t take the advantage.
Applicant: I have enough money to support myself and my family. I don’t think.I will take the
Applicant: I think I can still find a good job. I don’t need the support from the government.
Applicant: I know that people in Canada can’t be discriminated by age, sex and country origin.
I think
I can find a job and won’t take the advantage.

以上这些回答还可以,但不是最佳的回答。最好的回答应该是根据自己的条件,职业以及加拿大的实际情况,真实而又令人信服地说服移民官您有能力在加拿大找到一份不错的工作,为加拿大社会做贡献,而不是成为其负担。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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