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Please .... I beg of you... don't be too critical of the show. This is something we do totally out of our own willingness, with no benefit of any sort at all. In the long and gloomy winters, in a far-away-from-home strange land,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is something we do totally out of our own willingness, with no benefit of any sort at all. In the long and gloomy winters, in a far-away-from-home strange land, Rolia is like a small fireplace, where we find some warmth and coziness. Without such activities, living in isolation and loneliness, in this highly individualized culture, we would all be like some lonely planets each going his/her course.
Indeed, the show was far from being perfect, but who cares about perfection?! And what are the standards of perfections? Whose standards? ... Most of us are like anyone of you who goes about his/her daily routines and worries about the daily living. Instead of being satisfied with the boredom and routines of life, they are able to squeeze out some time to participate in this, and within a very short time, able to produce something that I think is not perfect but good enough for you.
So you should have been very glad you had come and watched it. And now that you have seen all the faults and mistakes, kindly let those in charge know so they will do better. After all, Rolia has made better progress each year due to the criticism from the good, sincere and kind audience.
Secondly, you should believe that this is a good cause that Rolia is working on. It is 100% non-profit, with only one goal, which is to entertain you, new immigrants, to enrich our lives. That is all. I know you paid $10, but that is just for covering the cost for the show.
So, my advice to those who hate the show is this: come, join us, help us to make it better; offer us your professional and unique ideas and suggestions. No one is really the boss in Rolia. If your ideas are good, we listen and accept them.
Honestly, let's work together to make this lonely place and the miserable winter a much better place and time. AND DON'T WALK AWAY FROM US WITH A SNEER ON YOUR FACE, because Rolia needs each one of you.
(wriitten over lunch.... forgive me if you find it illogical and nonsensical.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 我来泼泼冷水:晚会抽奖有问题!首先表扬一下小姑娘的表现(三字经背的非常棒), 但是我想她可以通过其他方式上台更有意义。。。今年是第一次参加晚会, 上当了。。。
    • 我澄清一下,绝对是随机抽的,以人格担保,不是事先安排的。
      • 看了下午场。cruiser,你的主持绝对是下午场的亮点之一!!!赞一个!
        • cruiser 牛也不是一天两天了,人家在后台可cool 哩。。。明年你来做义工,让你零距离接触偶像!
          • 我看见Cruiser在节目上演的时候握着相机趴在幕后地板上狂拍不已。如果在他仪表堂堂主持节目的时候在投影上打出他刚刚趴地的倩影,那一定是一个亮点。
          • 我cool?我是累的实在不行了,两天只睡了6个小时,昨晚上就没睡,现在才回来
        • 同意。我是有cruiser主持的时候,我就进去看,表演节目的时候,我就出来了。我觉得他真逗。
          • 哎,作为义工,你实在太不专业了。:D
            • 你是哪位啊?我昨天去晚了。什么事情都没有干了
              • 于是就含情脉膜的看这老酷。。。:)))
          • 所以我多次走下台来,到门口慰问大家,可惜没人理啊。
            • 呵呵,你是走错门了。后台门口没有设立粉丝接见站。
            • 7,昨天我已经当面表达了对你的景仰之情了。还不够啊。下次我一定带个本子让你签名留念。
    • 这其实是个表演节目,主持人还没说上台领奖小女孩就到台下了。
      • 大概因为小姑娘背诵的太流利了才会让大家有这种错觉的。三字经确实背得好,无论是否表演。
    • Please .... I beg of you... don't be too critical of the show. This is something we do totally out of our own willingness, with no benefit of any sort at all. In the long and gloomy winters, in a far-away-from-home strange land,
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is something we do totally out of our own willingness, with no benefit of any sort at all. In the long and gloomy winters, in a far-away-from-home strange land, Rolia is like a small fireplace, where we find some warmth and coziness. Without such activities, living in isolation and loneliness, in this highly individualized culture, we would all be like some lonely planets each going his/her course.
      Indeed, the show was far from being perfect, but who cares about perfection?! And what are the standards of perfections? Whose standards? ... Most of us are like anyone of you who goes about his/her daily routines and worries about the daily living. Instead of being satisfied with the boredom and routines of life, they are able to squeeze out some time to participate in this, and within a very short time, able to produce something that I think is not perfect but good enough for you.
      So you should have been very glad you had come and watched it. And now that you have seen all the faults and mistakes, kindly let those in charge know so they will do better. After all, Rolia has made better progress each year due to the criticism from the good, sincere and kind audience.
      Secondly, you should believe that this is a good cause that Rolia is working on. It is 100% non-profit, with only one goal, which is to entertain you, new immigrants, to enrich our lives. That is all. I know you paid $10, but that is just for covering the cost for the show.
      So, my advice to those who hate the show is this: come, join us, help us to make it better; offer us your professional and unique ideas and suggestions. No one is really the boss in Rolia. If your ideas are good, we listen and accept them.
      Honestly, let's work together to make this lonely place and the miserable winter a much better place and time. AND DON'T WALK AWAY FROM US WITH A SNEER ON YOUR FACE, because Rolia needs each one of you.
      (wriitten over lunch.... forgive me if you find it illogical and nonsensical.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 说出了我们的心里话...
      • 不用这么激动,LZ的评论也不过是希望以后的晚会办得更好。所谓良药苦口,表扬要听,善意的批评也不能扼杀吧。
        • My excitement is not for anyone specific. It is just a little reminder for those who might be a bit frustrated with certain "not-so-professional“ performances.
          I really don't intend to hurt anyone's feeling. It is true that only through criticism can we improve ourselves, but sometimes it can also lead to retreat and withdrawal... Anyway, I am just hoping that we would be a little softer, gentler and kinder with our criticism. Man, it is really not easy to do everything nicely, perfectly, when you are not professional, when so many people are watching you under the spotlight, and when you are so, so nervous.... and it is so much easier to just sit down, relax and watch.

      • 为什么超级女声在中国那么好,不是因为他们的完美无缺,而是人人可以参与.
        yes, I don't like the show too prefect or too pressessional. I what to see some people sing a song with some mistakes. just like in a dance in afternoon show, one of the dancer's flower was following done. I like that. It is real life show and more enjoyable.
    • My high praises for the parking attendants. They are amazing.
      I ate supper with two parking attendants for the show, and I was very touched by their work. We actors on stage could still enjoy some vain and praise-gaining glory, yet those guys were out in the cold the whole night. They did not even get a chance to watch the show. When I saw them at the dinner table, they were still shivering with the cold from outside. They made my effort seem so little. All the YiGong, I solute you!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 我必须要澄清一下,这个的确是现场抽奖。那个小姑娘上台时,cruiser问她是否准备了节目,小姑娘说没有,这时他母亲冲到台边说:“背三字经”。然后这个小女孩开始背,结果语惊四座。
      • 那可不是箭步,那是加了助跑的旱地拔葱。
        • 鸽子翻身...
      • Cruiser当时加一句:“这位小朋友的妈妈说...”或把话筒直接递给小朋友的妈妈,我想会好一些,否则后面的观众看不到也听不到发生了什么,也不怪这位朋友多想了
        • 我觉得那首歪诗很绝。
      • haha ,没做假呀。我看到洋溢在那里使劲想词儿怎么往下接!超级cute的小女孩真是太赞了!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。




        人遗子,金满嬴。我教子,惟一经。勤有功,戏无益。戒之哉,宜勉力。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我没看到第一个得奖的小女孩背诵三字经,不过第二次抽奖我看见了。我相信抽奖没作假,但小男孩一跃上讲台,加上“歪诗”背得不错,让人有其他想法是正常的。
        • 少年年少太张狂,未知失足未何恨
          • 又来一个牛人,快去报名参加本期心潭诗社。
            • 广告!
              • 不广了,这期诗社快要圆满落幕了。
                • 看来你一直盯着热门帖子嘛
                  • 俺没啥长处,只是经常开了个论坛主坛,看看而已。
      • 第二次抽奖的时候我在那个男孩旁边坐,叫到他的号他还在那里犹豫了一下是不是要上去,后来发挥那么好,没有想到。我觉得肯定不是事先订的,再说有必要吗?不要把人都想的那么阴暗么。
      • The Teenage is my son.
        He went to party with his grandparents and a little girl (9 years old), and he bought the "lottery" ticket only want to make the little girl happy.

        We were very excited about his "performance" at the party.

        We all touched that my son gave all the money to the little girl.

        I guarantee there were no any "Mao Ni" about the "lottery" ticket.

        Sorry no Chinese input.

        Thank you.
    • 如果是事先安排好的,我觉得就不会让那个小女孩念那么多,一直念到主持人都要下跪了。
      • 有ZAN SG CRUISER一句话,能不信么?木要这么多猜测了。
        • 我本来想跪个十秒,没想到到体力不支
          • 肾亏,刷网刷的
            • 刷网用肾,防箭用盾
              • 我承认, 你是肾亏, 可是.....
    • 希望大家想那位小朋友一样,把祖国文化发扬光大!
    • 我说一下自己看到的情况吧!我是服装组的,现场事情不多,下午场还没有开场的时候,中奖女孩的妈妈在右侧第一排位置,当时见到我和潘姐走来走去的就向我们反映,摄像设备影响她们观看舞台……由此看来她们不应该是提前安排的。
      • 爽爽妈好。向你报道来了。
        • 你终于和俺说话了,哈哈!美女,下次一定不会忘了俺吧?
          • 我对美女是过目不忘地。
    • 向毛主席保证,这个绝对不是提前安排的。
    • 我与楼主有同感, 而且我确定晚会抽奖有问题. 悔不该当那冤大头买奖卷. 被骗上当!!! 第1. 前不久, 参加某同乡会, 刚好是洋溢主持, 刚好是这个小姑娘表演, 刚好是背三字经.
      第2. "我必须要澄清一下,这个的确是现场抽奖。那个小姑娘上台时,cruiser问她是否准备了节目,小姑娘说没有,这时他母亲冲到台边说:“背三字经”。然后这个小女孩开始背,结果语惊四座"。-- by benbentutu (洋溢). 然而事实是: 当cruiser问她是否准备了节目,小姑娘说没有, 是cruiser马上提示说"人之出".
      第3. 即是表演节目, 就不应以这个不道德的形式欺骗观众. 而且, 对其他表演者也是不公平的.
      • 如果有问题, 你说说怎么个问题法? 抽奖组有两位义工, 我本人在下午场演出开场后到门口查看过奖券箱, 票根全在里面. 你再看看我们事先关于抽奖的说明, 请留意这一句: "中奖的观众需要表演小节目, 这样每位参加晚会参加抽奖的观众都有上台表演节目的可能"
        50/50对半抽奖游戏 Print E-mail
        50/50 对半抽奖游戏是很普遍的一个抽奖游戏, 经常用于各种慈善活动的募款. 2008 Rolia 新年晚会的50/50对半抽奖游戏是这样安排的:

        晚会有下午场和夜场共两场演出, 50/50游戏是在这两场演出中分别进行的.

        在观众入场时, 奖券在会场入场口发售, 每张奖券$2. 奖券分两联, 两联的上面都有序列号, 购买的观众得到上联, 票根下联放到抽奖箱里面.

        演出开场的时候停止发售奖券, 义工清点所有的奖券所得款得出总额. 总额的50%作为抽奖的奖金, 另外的50%, 作为非营利性机构RCA组织公益社区活动的经费.

        抽奖奖金平均分成5份, 每份占总额的10%, 分给五位中奖的观众. 抽奖在节目的间歇中公开在舞台上进行, 中奖的观众需要上台, 自由表演一个小节目之后才能领到奖金. 小节目的内容形式不限, 时间最短5秒钟, 最长不超过1.5分钟.

        去年前年的晚会前都有网友提议搞这个游戏, 今年终于来实现它了. 咱们这个游戏的特别之处在于, 中奖的观众需要表演小节目, 这样每位参加晚会参加抽奖的观众都有上台表演节目的可能, 事先在家里准备好哦!
      • 还有, 票箱是全透明的哦.
      • 还有这一位, 是夜场的中奖观众的妈妈: #4114446@0
      • Cruiser是在小女孩的妈妈叫她背三字经后说了句“人之初”。这决不是表演节目。我们在后台的都可以作证。
        • 她妈妈没有话筒,观众听不到是可能的,但是我可以保证没有刻意安排,实在没有必要,也谢谢大家的关心,俺不是那种作假的人。