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Dirty Dancing 周二三四特价: as low as $30.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looks 10. Dance 30.
Come Warm Up for Less!

We may be shivering through the coldest week of the winter, but the dancing is still hot at the Royal Alexandra Theatre (and so are the dancers, who also have legs, but that's another story) and to help us through the frigid nights still to come, we're extending Dirty Dancing, with a new block of tickets now on sale through March 29.

But, as if that weren't good news enough, all weeknight seats (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings) and Wednesday matinees from now through March 29 are going on sale for $30!.

That's every seat in the house. Best available when you order. To get those seats*, just log on to ticketking.com or call us at either 416-872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333. Your access code to this bargain price is DANCE30. Just quote it on the phone or enter it online where it says "Promotion Code". What are you waiting for? Escape the tedium of cold! nights at home this winter. Escape to the heat and passion of Dirty Dancing for only $30!

*The fine print: Offers are valid for the best available seats for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening performances and Wednesday matinees from January 15 - March 29, 2009 (note: there are no Wednesday evening performances after February 11). All prices are in Canadian dollars and include 5% GST and a $2.00 CIF. A $1.00 Theatre Modification Fee applies per ticket to productions at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Seating is subject to availability. Offers are not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offers. The producers have the right to terminate the offer without notice. No refunds or exchanges. Service charges apply.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 2010 Rolia 新年晚会 网友公开集体创作
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛过去一段时间以来, 热心的网友们对下一次的ROLIA新年晚会有许多的建议. 综合大家的想法, 咱们初步确定, 2010 Rolia 新年晚会的节目组织形式, 采取类似于音乐剧(musical show)的形式, 就好像Mamma Mia 或 Dirty Dancing 一样. (顺便插一下广告啊, Dirty Dancing现在有promotion呢, 好像演到3月份就截止了)

    音乐剧的名称听起来很吓人, 实际上并不一定. 简单说来, 就是有几位主角, 他们在台上演绎一个剧本, 主角们的主要表演形式是对白(份量较大, 这一点上说, 有些像话剧小品)和歌唱(辅助). 同时, 其他的节目形式(我们称之为传统节目), 比如舞蹈, 歌唱, 曲艺等, 通过适当的情节安排, 嵌入到这个剧本当中. 传统节目可能内容直接和剧本相关, 也可能只是起到烘托气氛的作用.

    这种新的表现形式, 对大家来说是又新鲜又有挑战性的. ROLIA的晚会是面向网友的, 这一次, 我们希望有更加开放的方式, 那就是, 所有晚会的一切都公开地由网友参与, 特别的, 音乐剧的剧本, 由大家在网上公开集体创作!

    说到要求, 有这么几个简单的. 一是希望有爱情元素. 以前咱们ROLIA的晚会好像就没有这个元素, 明年来一个? ^_^ 所有的经典电影可都有爱情成份的哦.

    第二个要求是, 从总体上剧本表现一种乐观向上的心态. 今年的晚会小品节目让大家心里沉重了些, 明年就不要太沉重啦.

    第三个要求是, 要体现移民生活啦. 其实这个不说大家也知道, 呵呵.

    所谓的集体创作, 方式可以是非常灵活的. 每一位网友并不需要写出一个完整的剧本, 大到一个故事, 或者一段对话, 或者改编一首歌词, 一句歌词, 小到一个笑料, 都欢迎. 请大家都把帖子发布在枫下论坛主坛的网友聚会栏目.

    从总体时间安排上, 咱们希望从现在开始到6,7月份是剧本公开集体创作的期间; 之后, 由积极参与的网友形成一个编剧组, 从大家的创作中整理出一个1.0版本, 然后就是演员报名, 排练..... 12月初是晚会节目的联排, 演出将会是在明年1月中的某一个周六.

    坛子里的文字高手很多, 希望这个事情能让大家觉得好玩, 一起来玩! ^_^更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 老大,能不能简单介绍一下Dirty Dancing?
      • Dirty Dancing 的情节是很简单的, 一家人去度假, 女儿无意中看到度假村的员工舞会, 跳的是拉丁舞, 然后就喜欢上了, 并且开始学习. 中间穿插着好多舞蹈的场面, 也有一些相对比较简单的矛盾冲突. 这个虽然也属音乐剧, 但是主角基本不唱, 就说和跳, 配角唱.
        • Thanks Sailor.
      • Dirty Dancing 周二三四特价: as low as $30.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looks 10. Dance 30.
        Come Warm Up for Less!

        We may be shivering through the coldest week of the winter, but the dancing is still hot at the Royal Alexandra Theatre (and so are the dancers, who also have legs, but that's another story) and to help us through the frigid nights still to come, we're extending Dirty Dancing, with a new block of tickets now on sale through March 29.

        But, as if that weren't good news enough, all weeknight seats (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings) and Wednesday matinees from now through March 29 are going on sale for $30!.

        That's every seat in the house. Best available when you order. To get those seats*, just log on to ticketking.com or call us at either 416-872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333. Your access code to this bargain price is DANCE30. Just quote it on the phone or enter it online where it says "Promotion Code". What are you waiting for? Escape the tedium of cold! nights at home this winter. Escape to the heat and passion of Dirty Dancing for only $30!

        *The fine print: Offers are valid for the best available seats for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening performances and Wednesday matinees from January 15 - March 29, 2009 (note: there are no Wednesday evening performances after February 11). All prices are in Canadian dollars and include 5% GST and a $2.00 CIF. A $1.00 Theatre Modification Fee applies per ticket to productions at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Seating is subject to availability. Offers are not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offers. The producers have the right to terminate the offer without notice. No refunds or exchanges. Service charges apply.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Ding!!!
    • 支持!希望在2010的舞台上看到大家的创意和故事。
    • 200%支持你的新的想法,有创意, 有意思,我也写,就写你个小的笑话。。
      • 欢迎欢迎!
    • 从故事开始,网友就能参加,因该是一个创意了吧。支持!
    • 好。建议:从征集故事开始。大家随便编故事,最后凑到一起,就是一个大故事和很多小情节。
      • 是呀, 现在就开始了. 而且大家也不需要编出一个完整的故事才贴出来, 想到一个很小的东西都可以发表, 说不定就会引发其他网友的灵感呢.
    • 建议从现在开始,就可以把网友上的比较有意思的帖子收集起来,以备将来创作用。
      • 这是个好主意! 而且每一位网友都可以做这个收集整理的工作, 然后集中贴到这个网友聚会栏目, 方便其他的网友再创作.
        • 赞成。《Offer歌》就是8导收集来的并且推荐给编剧的,是网友David2原创的歌词,在2009年的晚会获得了好评,是个成功的例子。
          • 象"最近比较烦"也是很早就有了木勾思,只是排练晚些,...所以短短两周就能上台...酒是陈年老酒才香!要有酝酿过程的...
        • 建议你把心潭的三句半先给收藏起来。
          • 嗯,不错
      • 1.孩子不换衣服,家长觉得老师歧视,2.有两人机场相约见面要开打......最近还有什么热闹事吗?
        • 比较多, 比较多...
      • 俗话说三个女人一台戏,我觉得三个男人也一台戏的,嘿嘿,如果CAA 兄长,菠菜兄长,泡泡哥,还有NOPROBLEM兄长什么的一起写一个小品,应该有轰动效应,
        • 3 兄长 but 1 哥 ...... 泡泡哥 ....... really sounds
          • 哈哈, 这你都嫉妒?!
          • 简直是,嘿嘿,我妈说的,叫哥哥有些不稳重,所以。。。嘿嘿,但是泡泡哥说不能叫它兄长,具体原因忘记了
            • 因为他们其实都是 大树。。。 很大很大,很高很高,当然也很粗很粗
              • pardon me?
    • 这两个音乐剧我都看过不止一遍, MAMA-MIA是经典, 在多伦多演了5年, 现在不演了, 只有纽约百老汇还常年上映. 音乐剧很难搞, 要自己写剧本, 创作几十首歌曲, 还要有专业的舞蹈演出及动感舞台灯光设计, 话剧部分要短小精练, 专业的演唱和舞蹈要贯穿全剧, 每个演员都要能歌善舞.
      • 还要有大场面...
    • 可以把容易用音乐剧表达的TOPIC先列出来,然后网友可以自己就有感觉的TOPIC发挥,譬如说:机场过关的彷徨-找房子-上LINC-想家-重新回学校-半工半读-毕业了找工作了-面试的挫折-加拿大的第一份工作- 一个人的烦恼-参加单身活动-网友约会-买房子-等等
      • 很好的建议。如在每个TOPIC下,大家可以尽情发挥自己的经过和感想,最后也就水到渠成了。
        • 是个是可以来个讲ROLIA故事。有以前发生在论坛上的,也有新补充的。
    • awesome, i am looking forward to this new year party