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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛... ...

Last week, I had the privilege of listening to this masterwork live (as performed by the TSO), and to say the least, it was an incredibly multi-faceted piece.

Under the baton of Stephane Deneve, the TSO did a commendable job of portraying the many emotions that Shostakovich set out to express in his music. At times, the music was incredibly dense and seemingly impenetrable, as heard in the first movement when the low brass and piano pound away and, combined with the low brasses’ great tone quality and powerful attacks, the orchestra manages to paint an ominous picture of the dread and darkness that permeated Russia at the time. These emotions intensified as the music thickened with the addition of the entire orchestra, and the mood became more panicked. Then, a very militaristic march overtook and overpowered the previous theme. The brass played with very sharp accents, and with a steady pulse from the timpani, the march rampaged through like an unstoppable juggernaut, much like how the Soviet agenda was put into action. These harsh attacks continued for a while, until, unexpectedly, a light, angelic flute solo rose up over the backdrops, and with the backing of an incredibly heartfelt horn melody, warmed and sweetened the music to a marvellous extent. It was a very precious moment that seemingly embodied whatever hope and goodness that remained in the world at the time.

Other moments of great emotion such as these were frequently present throughout the piece, and a vast majority of them bear a highly mocking undertone. This was heard in the playful and melodic lines in the scherzo, which at the same time drip with satire while portraying something akin to a group of frolicking, overweight fairies. Another such example would be the seemingly glorious and rejoicing coda to the fourth movement, whom Shostakovich himself likened to being ordered “your business is rejoicing, your business is rejoicing”. The fact that such a musically demanding piece could be played adequately and be enjoyable for the audience evidences at not only skilful musicians with great technical and musical abilities, but also a group with great ensemble skills and synergy.

Though the TSO may be slightly pale in comparison with the very best orchestras in the world, I found that their performance of Shostakovich’s 5th Symphony was nonetheless very enjoyable, and probably managed to portray all the images and emotions Shostakovich had intended to.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 俺那不好古典音乐的儿子,被学校弄去听了场TSO的肖斯塔科维奇第五音乐会,写了个听后感交差。俺给摘录贴在这儿,大家看看他是不是可以冒充一下真古典乐迷。(说明:说的绝大部分是他自己的体会,他用CD复习以后写出来的)。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛... ...

    Last week, I had the privilege of listening to this masterwork live (as performed by the TSO), and to say the least, it was an incredibly multi-faceted piece.

    Under the baton of Stephane Deneve, the TSO did a commendable job of portraying the many emotions that Shostakovich set out to express in his music. At times, the music was incredibly dense and seemingly impenetrable, as heard in the first movement when the low brass and piano pound away and, combined with the low brasses’ great tone quality and powerful attacks, the orchestra manages to paint an ominous picture of the dread and darkness that permeated Russia at the time. These emotions intensified as the music thickened with the addition of the entire orchestra, and the mood became more panicked. Then, a very militaristic march overtook and overpowered the previous theme. The brass played with very sharp accents, and with a steady pulse from the timpani, the march rampaged through like an unstoppable juggernaut, much like how the Soviet agenda was put into action. These harsh attacks continued for a while, until, unexpectedly, a light, angelic flute solo rose up over the backdrops, and with the backing of an incredibly heartfelt horn melody, warmed and sweetened the music to a marvellous extent. It was a very precious moment that seemingly embodied whatever hope and goodness that remained in the world at the time.

    Other moments of great emotion such as these were frequently present throughout the piece, and a vast majority of them bear a highly mocking undertone. This was heard in the playful and melodic lines in the scherzo, which at the same time drip with satire while portraying something akin to a group of frolicking, overweight fairies. Another such example would be the seemingly glorious and rejoicing coda to the fourth movement, whom Shostakovich himself likened to being ordered “your business is rejoicing, your business is rejoicing”. The fact that such a musically demanding piece could be played adequately and be enjoyable for the audience evidences at not only skilful musicians with great technical and musical abilities, but also a group with great ensemble skills and synergy.

    Though the TSO may be slightly pale in comparison with the very best orchestras in the world, I found that their performance of Shostakovich’s 5th Symphony was nonetheless very enjoyable, and probably managed to portray all the images and emotions Shostakovich had intended to.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很不错啊,有音乐细节,有感受,言之有物,比那个老乐迷忽悠的强多了。
      • 是被那天的主持人Tom Allen灌输过。他自己能关注细节,但宏观尺度上还需要被灌输,要不他就无从写起。没见他避开难写的第三乐章不谈?
        • 等他有女朋友时那个乐章就好写了。:)
        • Tom Allen 很有 (Toronto) star quality...;)
      • 比无敌爱人差远了,那个动不动就语出惊人。。。:)
    • 蛙~~~~~~~。。。、、、




      • 退休改写诗吧,:)
      • 下次聚会咱们谁也别讲了。:)
        • 让小的们上来讲!要狠狠鼓励。:)))
          • 那怎么行,一个是真的,一个是fake的,虽然很能乱真。。。;)
            • 不要替你儿子谦虚嘛。。。
              • 看他忽悠何尝不是享受?:)
    • 你要不说是你家少爷所为,看那么多的生词,俺还以为是Star的乐评人写的。。。
      • It is actually better than ones from Toronto Star, which once claimed that the Ring Cycle of COC is the best of all time.....
        • "best of all time" OMG, really dare to open mouth up!。。。
      • 我倒觉得里头那些熟词更象是Star乐评人所为,他们有一包一包的套词套话,放谁身上都行。:)
        • 显摆你家公子具有star乐评人的资格。。。
          • 你咋不说我在挤兑The Star乐评人只有中学生水平?:)
    • 拔苗助长?
      写的真好 :)
      • 学校的作用大于家长。要不是有作业要交,才不会认真去听古典音乐。
    • 被淹没在形容词的海洋里。。。
      • 还处在要告诉别人自己知道的很多词儿的阶段,以后就会懂得越简单越好。。。
        • 没关系,没关系,伯恩斯坦同一句话里能说出duality, ambiguity, beethovenian等等一大堆fancy词汇,照样迷倒一片。:)
          • 他不是单靠这些词迷倒一大片, 而是靠用什么样的口气, 动作, 眼神... 把这些词说出来... :)
        • 说真的,很出色。
    • 所以我就是不明白为啥有人喜欢到处去听名家演出,我们的TSO多好,他们老师也是怪,选个肖五,估计是便宜少人听的缘故。
      • 他们前不久还去TSO看过一次贝六排练, 他第一次觉得交响曲还可以这样好听.
        • 我记得我中学音乐课也去过一次TSO的排练,当时还是Daniel Harding指挥的施特劳斯的音诗,现在想起来也算是难得了。号称喜欢音乐的我,是全班唯一睡着的一个。。。。
          • 看Daniel Harding你能睡着? 暴殄天物啊! :)
            • 恩,我那时候根本不懂,就觉得这男生好年轻~ (他那时真的只有24岁)
              • 至少说明你没有GAY倾向. :)
                • 1??那说明除了我家来福之外,其它人都有涅个倾向?
                  • 对, 女生除外.
        • 对头!现场听贝6向来是初迷的致命诱惑!
          • 特别是第二乐章。
            • 但他最喜欢一, 三. 四. :)
              • 有志气,跟我等不同!
              • 在下贸然以为, 贝六的1,2.5是奏鸣曲式, 3,4是三段式和二段式,容易理解和接受, 。。。
                • 奏鸣曲式应该是世间最好理解的东西了,不就是阴阳相生相克,在对立统一中发展变化嘛,咱们中学就学了。。。:)
          • 看来,你家少爷已经进去了!
      • 我阴暗地揣摩,少爷的老师可能是个俄罗斯新移民。。。
        • 高,实在是高!
    • 我有三点看法: 1。青出于蓝而胜于蓝, 做长辈要注意了 2。人不可冒像, 年龄不可斗量, 年纪大的要服气了, 3。小平说的好, 古典音乐要从娃娃抓起, 这点楼主的做法和中央的想法是一致的, 很好。值得推广, 谢谢
      • 贾老师总是能给出具有领导性质的精辟论述。。。
      • 贾大夫的第三点不敢苟同,老邓说足球要从娃娃抓起,足球就彻底太监了。老邓说电脑要从娃娃抓起,盗版就盛行了。娃娃是花朵,还是任其自然成长的好,千万别动不动就抓起。。。:-)
        • 要迭,要迭!邓乌鸦跟贝乌鸦有得一比。
    • 赶快给贵公子注册个马甲, 这样我们就不用搭理那个老迷了---我们要小迷;
    • 拷下来给我儿子做范文。
      • 有谋搞错!教子有方别光提罗侠好不好,罗丈更要提,对不对?常言道有起伏其父必有其子,对不对?嘿/
      • 俺教子很失败呀!熏了他这么多年也没让他喜欢上古典音乐。现在是在学校的逼迫下不能反抗,只好享受。。。:)