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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Being able to see you all even once a year is such a pleasant thing, for you are in some way like families.

in this strange land among strange people, we are all witnesses of one another's increases of wrinkles and gray hairs; we are all reminders of one another's growing age and frailty. In some way, we are glad we are agiing together, so no one should make fun of anyone; on the other hand, we are saddened by this horrible fact that we are, however handsome and capable and artistic and cool and .... inevitably getting older and weaker and uglier and more humble and modest.
One day, when we look at all these young and handsome pics taken by people like BuYuan Wan Li, Cruiser.... at the age of ... say... 70, we might all mutter something like such...


那些rolia gala 的夜晚

This is my plan ...
to do this with you people, my rolian families
till we can no longer move
on stage.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 晚会最感人事迹:晚场主持人洋溢晚,可谓是敬业! ONBOARD 背投的技术支持,可谓是真男儿!
    • Great work! Great people!
    • 大顶! 都是老rolia了, 洋溢没得说, 说是Rolia十年庆典, 爬都要爬过来; Onboard 童鞋是俺见过的最认真的义工, 当年在8导地下室初次见面拿个小本本说背投画面构思的情景至今还历历在目, 好童鞋啊好童鞋 ...
      • 十年是一个特殊的日子。很高兴看到这些老人:Blu、夏河、老洋、林曦丹、王琳、玛雅、火狐、Onboard和大熊、Rollor、Sailor三大董事、Display。。。等
        • Ding all of them
        • Being able to see you all even once a year is such a pleasant thing, for you are in some way like families.
          in this strange land among strange people, we are all witnesses of one another's increases of wrinkles and gray hairs; we are all reminders of one another's growing age and frailty. In some way, we are glad we are agiing together, so no one should make fun of anyone; on the other hand, we are saddened by this horrible fact that we are, however handsome and capable and artistic and cool and .... inevitably getting older and weaker and uglier and more humble and modest.
          One day, when we look at all these young and handsome pics taken by people like BuYuan Wan Li, Cruiser.... at the age of ... say... 70, we might all mutter something like such...


          那些rolia gala 的夜晚

          This is my plan ...
          to do this with you people, my rolian families
          till we can no longer move
          on stage.
          • 我能与你们白头到老么。。我问天问大地
      • Onboard真是不错,当天十点我电话他,还在治疗中.
    • 赞一个。。。因为有他们,有大熊那样10年如一日的奉献,还有许许多多感人点滴,让这台节目更有意义。。。这次的晚会不愧10年纪念,每个节目都精彩,赞全体幕前幕后的同学们,你们辛苦了,我朋友说比央视春晚还好看。。。:)
      • 是啊!还有总策划-周晨,在幕后付出了大量的时间和精力,赞一个!
        • 难得的才女一个,赞一个。
          • 大顶~大姐大 ...
            7! 螃蟹 就是用来漏滴: )
        • 总策划就是起个头儿,把大家都忽悠起来,都给策划了:)
          • 彻底被忽悠了。。。。
        • Is she married? We all have to find out. Do not let any outsiders take her.
          She is ours.
          She belongs to Rolia.
          She has to be married to a Rolian.

          This is the law.
          This is the decree.
          This is a must.
      • 咦,怎么除了我还有别人这么说吗?
    • 谢谢辛苦的付出!
    • 今天才有机会问Bill Xu怎没去宵夜,才知道天大的秘密:原来他周五就开始发烧,至今没好,都没人知道。
      • Ding he!
    • 阿紫,是去年报义工,今年才被大熊面试招工最后一周录用。有些意外,把自己原先的计划全调整,全力支持晚会。演出前一天还临时帮做了几个节目的背投几乎通宵,这些原本没有计列的事都是突然出现的,就源于一份热情
      • 还有曼玲编的儿童舞蹈节目,是这几年儿童参与人数最多的一次,她和爽妈等带领的儿童团有不俗的表现。
    • 我也爆料,127的娃子突然发烧,两口子又都有节目,节目中间还得轮流回去看孩子。我不知情,还麻烦他绕道来接我,老兄二话不说,让我太过意不去。
      • Ding both of you guy !
      • 原计划是这样,后来没啥事就没有来回跑了,留下吃包子了
    • 楼上这么多表扬稿,简直赶上忆苦思甜了。呵呵。
      • 这些是原始素材,没有煽情啊,没有美化加工。可能还有人没说
    • 下午场和晚场的两个老年舞蹈,赞一个!她们最认真、最准时。有的老人要做2个小时的公交车来彩排,能看出来她们的舞蹈也排了很长时间。在第二次彩排后,希望把她们的伴奏音乐从5:30 CUT 到4分钟以内。老人家也没有怨言,赞一个!