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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1999.07.07 Last Update

移民前辈的面试及移民经历 http://martinjiang.126.com

以下是我面试时的问题和答案,我尽量力求原汁原味,其中也包括我犯的错误, 请网友不要见笑:


我和妻:Good morning!

官:Good morning! are you both speaking English?


官:When did you learn English?

我:I began learning English when I was in primary school, about 9 years old.

官:Do you speak English in your work?



我:I often have meeting or discussion with foreign experts.

官: How often?

我:twice a week.

官:Good, I am xxx(我没记住),I am supervising your application...(讲了一些套话,我过后给忘了). Ok, since you have meetings with foreign experts twice a week, could you tell me what you discuss on the meetings?

我:some technical problems.

官:what kind of problem?

我:usually about some new programming tools

官:what kind of tools?(由此看出我上一个问题大答得太简单了)

我:I am programming in c++ on UNIX platform, and my group has a very tight cooperation with 'a foreign company', and thay are support(ing) us, for example, sometimes, they provide us some new APIs, and maybe we don't (aren't) familiar with those APIs, so we need to have a discussion with foreign experts, to learn from them.

官:Do you both have a master degree?

我:No, I have a master degree, and my wife has a bachelor degree.



官:How about your client?


官:What kind of software do you porgram?


官:I need both your signature on your application.


官:What do you want to accomplish in canada?

我:I want to provide a better for my family, especilly for my child, (不知为什么,这时我突然有点惊慌),you know, after my child was born, he looks so cute, I believe he deserves something better, especilly a better environment to grow up...(到这里,被面试官打断了,说明我答非所问了。)

官:What is your job expectation?

我:(这一刻我明白了,斩钉截铁地答到)find a job as a computer programmer.

官:Do you have any company in your mind?


官:Do you have discussed with those companies?

我:Not yet.


我:You know, in china, immigration to canada is still a sensitive problem (topic), and I don't want to let everybody know before I get the landing paper.
其实,我并不肯定我的这一答案是否恰当,但不管怎样,这时候,面试官说“your case is approved, I need you both take medicical exam...”,至此,我才感到 皐hat a relief”,再往后,和面试官核对了一下mailling address, 说了声“Thank you very much”,就出来了,整个过程历时15分钟,是那天到那时为止最快的一个,出来之后 才发现面试官没看任何我带的原件,连护照和存折都没看。


欢迎来信联系: martinjiang@126.com 自1999.7.7日改版起


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